Life on the Road: What’s the Draw?

For many people, the idea of life on the road conjures up images of freedom, adventure, and exploration. For others, there is no appeal in constantly being on the move in a space smaller than most people’s bedroom. In this blog post, we will explore some of the advantages of life on the road, as well as some of the disadvantages that our research has shown.

Obviously, for us, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages and we are excited to start the new chapter in our lives. But I hope that this post kindles further thoughts about the lifestyle, potentially sparking a new idea for you. There is no intent to push anyone in either direction, but only to help you decide what is right and explaining why we chose to explore this direction. We enjoy change, challenges, and pushing ourselves to new limits.


One of the most significant advantages of life on the road (in my opinion) is the lifestyle it offers. It provides the opportunity to disconnect from the stresses and routine of daily life. Both of us have remote 9-5 jobs and will continue with them because we enjoy what we do, but life on the road provides a sense of freedom and the ability do work wherever you want, mixing new adventures into your daily life.

Traveling allows a simpler, more minimalist life, with fewer possessions and less clutter. It forces you to live in a small space in a van, RV, or truck camper. This limited space can be challenging, especially if you’re traveling with others or have a lot of belongings. You are forced to consider what you need to be happy, and my guess is that we will realize we don’t need most of our material belongings.

Life on the road is the lifestyle of enjoying the journey even more than the destination, taking time to follow the road less explored and pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone.


Living on the road provides you with the freedom to go wherever you want, whenever you want. You have the flexibility to change your plans at a moment’s notice and explore new places. With the freedom comes infinite options, and requires extensive planning if you really want to enjoy the daily life. Our plan is to travel with the weather, slowly traveling around the western half of the continent and staying in areas for at least a week at a time. This plan absolutely does not work for everyone, but with more freedom comes more need to establish a general plan for living.

When you’re constantly on the move, your vehicle or living space may require frequent maintenance and repairs. This can be costly and time-consuming, and may disrupt your travel plans. Being open to changing any plans that you make is a must, and being ready for any situation is an absolute necessity. Part of our blog will be about essentials, from emergency kits to vehicle recovery kits; it’s important to be prepared and plan ahead.

In addition to preparing for happenstance, living on the road may come with certain safety concerns, such as theft, break-ins, or encounters with dangerous wildlife. It’s important to take precautions to stay safe and secure while traveling. This is not a disadvantage to us, we have always been serious about emergency preparedness and general safety, and I hope that we can provide you with information that enables you to make yourself feel comfortable living on the road.


Another significant advantage of life on the road is the ability to save money. Without a traditional home, there are no mortgage or rent payments to make. You have a choice to make on the initial cost of your vehicle and/or camper, as it can range anywhere from a couple thousand to a couple hundred thousand dollars (and be equivalent to a mortgage payment). But even if you have this large upfront cost, you are likely still discounting or greatly reducing the cost of many utility bills, insurance, and household maintenance.

Additionally, travel often provides opportunities to save money on meals, entertainment, and other expenses. For example, you need to be more cognizant of meals as you have limited food storage space, so you are less likely to have food waste. You can camp or park your home in low-cost sites, on friends and family’s property, or on public land for no cost. Life on the road means you will be exploring more places where you can find new, free activities and entertainment. This money-saving potential is a significant benefit for those who are looking to live on a budget, save money, or live a more sustainable lifestyle.

Social Life

Life on the road also provides opportunities to visit family and friends, regardless of where they live. With a mobile lifestyle, you can travel to see loved ones whenever you want, and stay for as long as you like. Additionally, you bring your home with you, making it easier to host guests or provide a comfortable place to stay when visiting.

Traveling and living on the road provides an opportunity to meet new people from different backgrounds and cultures. You can develop friendships with people you may never have met otherwise, and learn from their experiences.

While life on the road can provide opportunities to meet new people, it can also be isolating at times. You may not have the same support system or social network as you would in a traditional home, which can be challenging for some people. There is more responsibility on you to make those social connections and reach out to others.


Finally, life on the road provides an opportunity for a reset. It allows you to step back from your daily routine, disconnect from technology (most of the time), and focus on the present moment. Whether you’re looking to make a life change, recover and recharge, or just try something new, the freedom of travel can provide the perfect escape.

When you’re on the road, you have the choice of what you surround yourself with. Usually, that choice is natural beauty, whether it’s mountains, oceans, or forests. This connection to nature can help reduce stress, promote relaxation, and improve overall well-being. Meeting up with friends and family that have been disconnected often forces a person to take a step back and remember what is important in their life.

Life on the road can be challenging at times, but it can also lead to personal growth and self-discovery. You may learn new skills, develop a greater sense of independence and self-reliance, and gain a new perspective on life.


From my perspective, the most significant benefit of life on the road is the opportunity for adventure. Traveling allows you to explore new places, meet new people, and experience new cultures. No matter where you go or how you get there, there’s always something new to discover. From visiting friends in the city to exploring the wilderness and national parks, life on the road offers endless possibilities for adventure.

In conclusion, life on the road offers many advantages, including the lifestyle, money-saving opportunities, the chance to visit loved ones, adventure, and the opportunity for a reset. While it’s not for everyone, it’s a lifestyle that can provide a sense of freedom, adventure, and personal growth. Some people may find the challenges of life on the road to be manageable or even enjoyable, while others may find them too difficult to overcome. It’s important to consider both the advantages and disadvantages before deciding whether life on the road is right for you.